We started wrestling practice last night, starting very basic, building a solid base so we can move from a good foundation. A move or technique is presented to the room, the kids split up to go practice it, and coaches roam the room to assist. I was watching the room, noticing that coaches were deviating a bit from the move that was shown. The base of the move, the meat and potatoes of it, were still the same, but they would change hand positioning, or feet positioning based on their individual knowledge. Now, all these coaches are very experienced wrestlers, they all know what they are talking about. How could they all have some sort of deviation from the initial technique. I have experienced this is martial arts more than any other sport I have coached or competed in. I remember being taught something one way by a teacher, only to be taught another way the next class by someone else. Both were convinced that their way was the best. Which way is the best? THE WAY THAT WORKS FOR YOU! Figure out the base of what you are trying to accomplish. Understand why the base works. Then make whatever changes you need to based on your body size, strengths, and weaknesses to accomplish the technique. It will take years, and the way you do things will evolve and change as you change. You will find shortcuts, you will find better ways, but you need to always be open to learning.
I have had a great few weeks of training. I have learned more in the last 3 weeks than the last 6 months combined. Little nuggets, little details of things that I could apply and use. Always have an open mind, you can learn from anyone. Pay attention to things you don’t like or wouldn’t use, don’t throw anything out, absorb everything.
Also, a question…..Would you rather learn from someone who was great at something but didn’t have to try hard, or someone who was good, or even mediocre at something, but had to learn every little detail and work hard to gain that accomplishment?